I have been really privileged to to have the opportunity to work with a Eat Sleep Ride CIC - a fantastic equine organisation in the beautiful Scottish Borders, near Eyemouth. Teaming up with an experienced riding instructor and staff at the farm, we have been able to launch a unique combined service offering group work on horseback, followed by Physiotherapy led exercise sessions.

With a Physiotherapist involved, group members can be health screened before starting. This is similar to pre-requisite screening before someone may start at their local gym, however having a medical issue flagged does not necessitate the need for a GP appointment to sign someone off a fit or not to go. Physiotherapists have the autonomy to take on this role, and are well placed to adapt and grade exercise, accommodating health issues.
Applying rehabilitation and exercise practice to less conventional settings has always been something which has appealed to me, and has proved to be both challenging and rewarding at times. Starting this exercise group has certainly been the first where a head-torch is a must in the equipment list; and also of course, being around an array of ponies and horses...a 17 hand group member included...