Community Physiotherapy
Covering Edinburgh, West Lothian and Falkirk
Pricing: Home Visit Physiotherapy Sevices
Mobility Physiotherapy
As an experienced Physiotherapist covering Edinburgh, West Lothian and Falkirk my patients appreciate the core values: hope; care and professionalism that my practice is underpinned by. I am committed to help patients remain as functionally able as possible within their own homes.
One hour home appointment (assessment and reviews)...price varies, please enquire for more information
Please note: a £10 travel charge applies to any areas out with the Edinburgh city bypass
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Specialist assessment and tailored treatment for joint, soft tissue, trapped nerve and orthopaedic problems.
Assessment includes clinical impression given and treatment within initial sessions.
Home appointment (assessment)...£65
Home appointment (reviews)...£60
Please note: a £10 travel charge applies to any areas out with the Edinburgh city bypass
Insurance Cases

Capital Community Physio is registered with CIGNA, and can organise billing directly with them. Should your policy cover Physiotherapy, please have your policy number to hand before making any initial booking, and number of pre-authorized sessions.
Occasionally patients claim back Physiotherapy session costs directly with other insurance companies. At time of booking, please flag should you need receipts in electronic/paper format for this.
Cancellations and Re-scheduling
In the event of cancellation/re-scheduling, please try and contact the service more than 24 hours before your appointment is due.
£10 fee is chargeable for less than 24 hours notice of cancellation.
Gift Vouchers Available
For further information about the purchase of gift vouchers, please contact the service direct.